Twitter Board of Education # 4: Marketing on the Internet and web site promotion

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Twitter Board of Education # 4: Marketing on the Internet and web site promotion

Twitter Board of Education # 4: Marketing on the Internet and web site promotion lessons Twitter Tip # 12 - Learn how to use Twitter for marketing on the Internet, and web site promotion. Attract and convert friends, fans and supporters to customers over the Internet. See our videos on the Internet!

People always ask me ... What should I do with my Twitter? I give the same answer. Building a tribe of raving fans, friends and followers through the exchange of ideas, passion and personal way of interest, assistance and entertainment.

The question is: Why?

There are many reasons. Here's another.

Brief. People are more likely to read it takes only a few seconds of their time. When communicating with members of your tribe ... You're asking of them only to invest the time it takes to read 140 characters or less.

For comparison, I can not tell you how many e-mail messages a long, boring and unnecessary, and the letters I get from people who are trying to contact me. I read enough to determine whether you need to read more, and in some cases not so much if they can not get the point and tell me what's in it for me without wasting my time.

If people appreciate what you share and you can do so quickly, they are more likely to keep on reading and attention.

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Twitter Board of Education # 4: Marketing on the Internet and web site promotion

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